Print ISSN 2433-216X; Online ISSN 2433-2178
The Journal of the Accounting and Economic Association of Japan
Published by the Accounting and Economic Association of Japan in Tokyo, Japan
Aims and Scopes:
Accounting Research Letters (ARL) is a peer-reviewed letter journal dedicated to accounting research, published by the Accounting and Economic Association of Japan. ARL provides the rapid publication of important new results in all areas of accounting and its related fields, including, but not limited to, economics, finance, and management. It covers a wide range of topics, theories, and methodologies, and welcomes papers with national, regional, and international focuses. ARL aims to offer a rapid response to papers, with peer reviews by the editors and at least one anonymous reviewer.
Editorial Policy:
Papers for initial submission should be concise and should not exceed 2,500 words; they should be clearly and lucidly written to convey the essence of their findings and novelty. The manuscript’s total length must be no more than 14 pages, including references, footnotes, tables, and figures. To learn more about the word limit, please refer to the submission guidelines on this website.
The manuscript should contain a concise introduction highlighting the study’s significance and motivations, explanations of the research design and data, a discussion of the obtained results, and a brief conclusion. We aim to offer a rapid response to papers, with peer reviews by the editors and at least one anonymous reviewer. Submission to the first decision is expected to be within three months. We welcome submissions from young scholars. Submissions from doctoral/graduate students are especially encouraged.
Submission Fee:
Accounting Research Letters requires a submission fee of JPY 6,000, which is waived for members of the Accounting and Economic Association of Japan. Students are offered a reduced submission fee of JPY 3,000. The submission fee is non-refundable, and a paper may be rejected by the Editor without being sent for review if it is inconsistent with the Aims and Scopes of the journal.
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Print ISSN 2433-216X; Online ISSN 2433-2178
Accounting Letters
The Journal of the Accounting and Economic Association of Japan
Published by the Accounting and Economic Association of Japan in Tokyo, Japan
Printed by NPC Corporation in Osaka, Japan
Journal website:
© 2024 The Accounting and Economic Association of Japan. All rights reserved.
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